Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cutie Can Coozie

Since I live next door to the sun and my drinks get hot in minutes, I wanted to fancy up my can coozie a little bit.

I promise you this project will be easier than saying the title to this post 5 times fast! So, grab your supplies and let's get to it.

What you will need:
A foam coozie
2 pieces of fabric cut 11.5"x4" (Double check your coozie to make sure these measurements work for you. If not, just adjust accordingly.)
A piece of felt or batting cut to the same size as your measurement above.
General sewing supplies

To begin, cut your pieces to fit your coozie. Remember to leave a little extra for your seam allowances. Once you have them cut, layer them like this. Felt or batting then fabric right side up then fabric right side down.

Line them up and pin them in the corners to help you keep it all together. Then just begin sewing around the perimeter of your rectangle.

Do you see that fancy little foot I have on my machine? It is a life saver! I seriously can't sew straight without it. I picked it up in Atlanta at a quilt show and it was the best $30 I have ever spent. It's made by Creative Feet. If you are a novice sewer like I am, check it out. See that straight seam? That wouldn't have happened in a million years with a regular foot.

Once you get to the last side, make sure to leave a few inches open for turning.

But before you turn it, clip your corners so they turn nicely.

Then just sew up you opening and sew a seam down the two ends to close it. Try to keep your top and bottom lined up. I tried once, it was off so I picked it out, tried again and it was still off a little bit, so I'm going with it.

That's it. I told you it was easy!


  1. This turned out the fabric you chose! And I think I'm going to need one of those straight-seam-helper-thingys for myself! I found you over at Someday Crafts. Your blog is adorable and I love the red 'Dorothy' shoes!

  2. Hi Kristy, thanks for visiting me at For the pinwheel dress I used the pinafore top/dress pattern with the apron dress knot straps from the book "little girls, big style" by Mary abrua. I highly recommend the book it comes with full size patterns and clear instructions and many pictures.


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