Friday, October 28, 2011

Mesh Wreath Explosion

Hey guys! So glad to "see" you again. Life has been a world wind of stuff lately. Has it been for you too? Being a child photographer, especially nearing the holidays, makes me a bit crazy, and stressed and sleep deprived and stressed. Did I mention that already? Then I did something that I never thought would happen. I saw a mesh wreath at a local craft fair. I thought, surely I can make that cheaper than I can buy it, so I passed on it that day. I came home, scoured Pinterest, youtube, and a few other sites. Speaking of Pinterst, Oh. Em. Gee! I'm so addicted. True story, the other day I had about an hour to spare so I was going to browse my boards and find something to whip up quickly. Um, yeah, 2 hours later, I was still pinning. I'm pretty sure I need therapy. Follow me on Pinterest here
Before I knew it, I had 2 really cool wreaths cheaper than I could have bought one. So, I show my mom, and she loves it and wants one. Then my grandmother, then my sister, then a friend on facebook, so I posted photos of all I had made and whew. I got orders for more than I ever expected. So I had to find a better resource for materials, and find more time to make the wreaths. I did just that and landed a pretty stellar envelope of cash marked "Christmas Shopping" so that's awesomesauce! You want to see them, right? Here are a few of my favorites... Right now I have this on my door. Happy Halloween!
Come Tuesday, I'm going to be rocking the Alabama wreath hoping that my boys pull out a win against top ranked LSU next week! Roll Tide!
Then I guess I'll change that one out after Thanksgiving to this Christmas wreath!
Then in January, my door will be sporting this funky and fun snowflake wreath!
I think I'm pretty much set until Easter. Hmmm... Maybe a pastel with glitter eggs mixed in? I have some time to think about it I guess. And of course I have still made time for thrifting too! I have picked up a few new pieces of furniture I'm going to show you soon and tons of randomness to transform into cuteness. I also made something that my sweet hubs told me not to publish on my blog because he thinks I need to sell the idea to Pottery Barn or something. He sure knows how to flatter a girl. I'm going to show you anyway pretty soon. You'll have to come back to see what it is! Are you gearing up for the holidays yet? Check out my link parties tab where I'm sharing this week! :)


  1. Fun! At least you've got a plan in matter what may come! Hey! Come link up to my new party at:

    I'd love to see you there!

  2. I am glad to "see" you back! :) Those wreaths are SO cute!! I wish I was that good at crafty stuff! Can't wait to see what you created!

  3. Just curious as to how you made the A for your Alabama wreath.


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