Thursday, September 23, 2010

A painting with meaning

A few weeks ago I did a paint chip art piece for our hallway. I loved how it turned out, but the reality of it was that it wasn't what I wanted in the space. It wasn't scaled for the wall and just never felt right to me so it was taken down and stuck in a box right after I took a photo of the finished product.

Today as I'm walking in circles (what I usually do when I need to be cleaning up), I decided to put an end to the blank wall. I pulled out a 20x24 canvas and some paint and for a little inspiration. Nothing was really jumping out at me so I just sit down with my palette full of paint and a brush. I sat. and sat. and sat. and sat.

Getting frustrated, I painted a sloppy circle in the bottom corner. Well, that looks abstract as all get out. I like abstract, maybe I'm onto something. It was also very empty, so I drew a larger circle around the first, and then another and another. I was liking where it was going so I just kept going. Somewhere between painting circles and listening to the radio, I realized how significant these circles are to our life and I keep painting. Every circle I painted made me think of how they fit into our lives.

I'm sure I've lost you and you are wondering how a bunch of circles represent our life. Let me explain...

The circle shape itself is significant. It's forever with no beginning and no end, exactly how our family is. It's not perfectly round but has bumps, highs and lows, but we keep going and stick together. If you look at it as a whole, it's busy, random, bright and fun. I don't think there is a more perfect way to describe our day to day life. It's mostly full but the empty parts are still part of us.

I love the way it turned out. It hangs perfectly in our hallway! I have finally filled this space with something that works in the space and means something to us. Me anyway. Nobody else on the planet may get it.

So, do you have something in your pretties that mean something more to you than it fits in the space?


  1. Very inspirational. Its simple, but the meaning behind it is beautiful. Great post. :)

  2. So creative and well done! This will touch you every day in a good way. It reminds me of multiple raindrops and even layered autumn leaves. The best thing is you really got into the zone and made something you like. LOVE when that happens!

  3. i love this, it really is the perfect size, as well. i painted some circle art in my living room, too. i just couldn't find what i wanted, and what i did want i thought i could probably do it myself. i absolutely love what i have now, and people comment about how perfect it goes in my space! great job on yours!

  4. Such a simple but beautiful project. The final product turned out great. Loved the story behind it. I read your blog religiously. Thank you for all the great posts.


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