Monday, September 20, 2010

Pirate Fun Birthday Party

This week we have been working on de-crap-i-fying our basement so there hasn't been a whole lot to blog about around these parts. It is seriously G-to-tha-ROSS down there but it feels great to have a trailer full of mess in the driveway just waiting to head to the dump. I would show you those pictures and the process, but then I'd have to kill you, and I don't want to do that.

So, to participate in this weeks challenge at The CSI Project , I'm going to post photos from my little guy's 6th birthday party. His birthday is in January and since sometimes it is hot, sometimes it is freezing, I played it safe and had the party at our home indoors.

It started with this invite The white boxes are our address and phone number. Just trying to keep the creepers away!

As everyone arrived they were welcomed to have a hot dog made into a sail boat and chips or chili and crackers.

After everyone got settled, out special guest arrived. I'm not sure the birthday boy knew what to think about a pirate being at his house!

Being the super cool momma that I am, I scoured the internet (ok, so I just went to youtube) to find out how to make balloon swords for all the kids. I didn't know that Captain Jack was going to show me up and bring "real" swords for them and show me up!

Once he broke out the face paint and tattoos, everyone loved him.

After everyone was decked out in their face paint and tattoos, we sang Happy Birthday and blew out the candles.

Then Captain Jack stuck around to help him open his gifts and all the kiddos posed for a group picture.

It was a great party! All the kids (and adults) had a ton of fun.

After the party, I crashed. It always seems like such a great idea to have a party at your house... then the week-o-cleaning starts, the O-M-G 40 people have RSVP'd and our-house-isn't-big-enough-for 40 jitters come on and somehow everything works out perfectly. When its all over, the month-o-cleaning starts because we just had 40 people in the house to run a muck. It was all worth it though... I think!


  1. oh that is sooo stinking cute. I love it all. especially the cupcakes!

    oh and I know I would love it Captain Jack showed up at my house hehe

  2. fabulous party! I think we bought the same costume when we had my son's pirate birthday.

  3. Love those hot dog sail boats! Cute stuff!

  4. I Love Pirate parties. Your cupcake display is awesome!


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